How To Harness Your Intuition

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this episode I'm going to be talking about how to harness your intuition [Music] intuition is key to self-actualize you watched my older video called self-actualization where I actually give a rigorous definition of what self-actualization means you'll remember that one of the points of a self actualized individual is that they're highly intuitive and that they use their intuition as a compass to direct their life a lot of people don't do this because they're out of touch with their intuition so that's what we're going to address here your life lacks big-picture thinking and it lacks motivation purpose and it lacks strategy not the little picture tactics and details a lot of people get totally lost in life frying the little fish and ignoring all the big fish that they should be chasing and so they get a lot less out of life than they could and this is especially bad in modern Western culture which has a left brain bias what this means is is that as a culture we don't really teach our children how to harness their intuition and we don't even hold it as acceptable for adults in this culture to use intuition to make decisions because just think about it if you're sitting in a corporate boardroom and you're trying to convince the boardroom to do some new project or some ambitious new thing with the company what's going to happen if you have some proposal they're going to ask you for logical reasons and justifications for why your proposal is correct and they will not accept as argument something like well my intuition tells me it's right they won't accept that because in our culture everything has to be over rationalized and over justified but in fact if you take a deeper look at what's going on is that most of the most important decisions you make in your life are actually stemming from your intuition and then when you start to get your logical mind in there and you try to start to rationalize it and over justify it that just screws up the process so at least with your life I'm not saying to be able to change your corporate culture overnight but at least in your life you need to be honest with yourself and admit that intuition plays a huge role and if it doesn't that's the extent to which your life doesn't go very well intuition is more powerful than logic will ever be ever be because purpose and vision which is the thing that pushes forward everything in life no matter if it's you personally or in a corporate boardroom or if you're the leader of a government or whatever vision comes first it's what creates a strategic intent it's what generates the big picture that then allows you to go in there and fill in all the details with your logical mind you see the human mind is a very interesting thing and it's a lot more mysterious and complex than you would think this sort of linear thinking from A to B to C the sort of cause and effect linear thinking is not able to crunch a lot of data and to make really high quality high-level decisions and to have wisdom what you need is you need to be able to crunch a shitload of data that your logical mind will never ever be able to grapple with and the only way you can do that is by trusting your subconscious mind to do that processing for you and your subconscious mind it's not very reasonable and it's not very logical and it's not very linear it's a vast distributed network that functions in truly mysterious ways but what it can do very consistently is it can crunch tons of data tons of factors very subtle factors and data that your logical mind would never understand it can crunch all that and come back to you with decisions wisdom creative insights and so forth in a very spontaneous way but this is a human way it's not a logical computer way so if you're a computer geek you have a problem with this and you know in our Western culture we're all in a sense sort of like stuck in this left brain computer geeks way of thinking when in fact what we need is we need more visionaries you need to be the visionary in your life you need to be the visionary for your company you need to be the visionary in your organization and within the community that you're living in at large you need to be the visionary that's what we need to move humanity forward and also for you to create the kind of life that you want be careful discounting intuition as some kind of voodoo airy-fairy thing it's really not you just need to get in touch with it it's really a higher order form of intelligence it's the difference between using just like a calculator to crunch some numbers and using a vast supercomputer that functions in ways that you don't even understand yet that's the power of intuition your intuition is much more powerful than logical intelligence that is not what makes human beings amazing it's not our logical intelligence it's our intuitive intelligence that makes us amazing but you need to demonstrate this for yourself not just to believe me personally in my own life I've always been rather intuitive and I think that that's been one of the keys to my success in fact if I take a look back at my life history since I was in middle school and even earlier since I was just like six years old I can think back all the way back there and all the way till today and right now I can see that every major transition every area in my life were I grew the most were my consciousness increased permanently in big ways all that was tied to me following my intuitions so I can think back to high school when I had this intuitive urge to take harder classes and so I ended up enrolling in a lot of very difficult challenging AP college classes and that transformed my entire intellectual understanding of life got me passionate about education and then when I was in college I had an intuitive urge halfway through college to switch majors like very radically switched my major from engineering to philosophy and that was a huge shift for me that was very important also when I got my first job in my first career was in the first six months I got the intuitive urge that I need to quit my career and quit my job and so that was a challenge you want to follow up on but I did and that paid off a big time for me also then when I started working for myself I got this intuitive urge that hey you know I really want to get back into education I want to educate myself the way that I did in high school because I lost touch with that after I exited college and so I got back into reading and studying just for myself and that was hugely important also then when my first business started to become successful I got the intuitive urge that I need to quit my first business at the height of its success and that was a very challenging intuition to have into work but I worked it and that ended up leading to actualized org and then I got into a diverge after I started transitioning into actual eyes adored I got the intuitive urge to to move cities to move from Dallas to Vegas and that was important for me at the time that was also an intuition that I got then I got intuitions about focusing on enlightenment and making that the thrust of my personal development and putting that above all other concerns within personal development that was important even when I consult my intuition for taking substances like psychedelics you know I ask myself like should I take this psychedelic now or shouldn't I and I just quietly listen to what my intuition tells me and my intuition gives me an urge and it tells me whether I should and shouldn't and then I'll try to honor that and to the extent that I do usually turns out well lately I've been getting intuitive urges to evolve actualized auditory to really radically change up the content that I'm delivering and so I'm currently working with that and then also I'm getting a really deep urge just to stop playing the game of life entirely to stop pursuing success to even stop pursuing success through actualize org to even stop helping people like I'm getting that kind of like really really deep desire just to free myself from every single attachment that I have and that's something I'm currently working on so this is just a list of examples because I want to make this tangible not keep it in the abstract you know you might wonder well Leo intuition what does that really mean and what that really means for me is that when you quiet your mind down when you're free of distractions and you're just sitting there alone in solitude what you should notice is that there's a little voice inside of you that comes up with all sorts of interesting things which is different from monkey mind and is different from logic it's sort of like your higher-self your muse speaking to you now I don't know how it is for you but for me this is a pretty strong voice and it's spoken to me for my entire life and to the extent that I've been able to follow it it's been responsible for almost all of my deep-seated success and then the extent that I didn't follow it or that I stalled or that I tried to suppress it to that extent my life didn't go very well and I wasn't satisfied but intuition is difficult to follow it's not easy you might wonder like well what's the problem so I'll just listen to this voice and off we go and everything is fine but there's three key failure points that I see with following one's intuition firstly is that most people can't even hear it first problem because you got to hear it to take action on it secondly even if you can hear it most people are so full of impurities personal impurities that they can't follow it and thirdly is that even if they clear up all the impurities and they hear the voice they just don't get to work on it so those are the three failure points now I want to talk about why these happen and how to overcome them with some solutions so firstly is that you can't hear the little voice inside of you why does this happen largely for just two reasons and these are largely cultural reasons first is that it's drowned out the voice is drowned out by our culture and our media and all the people in your life and all the distractions and secondly because there's a cultural modern Western cultural bias to be overly logical overly materialistic and overly pragmatic and this all this taken together means that you very rarely listen to that music site of you so what's the solution well firstly it's to acknowledge that true intelligence comes from something much deeper than you you are not the source of intelligence this is a very bad habit that Western Minds have put themselves into is this idea that somehow we are the master race or the master species on this planet and we have some sort of form of higher logical intelligence that's better than all the animals and all the other creatures and and all of that and that there's nothing above us and we're way above everybody else ah no that's a highly arrogant highly conceived and highly ignorant understanding of how intelligence functions a better way to understand intelligence that intelligence actually doesn't come from you but that intelligence is like interwoven into the fabric of existence itself and this is a very difficult thing to explain to somebody who hasn't done any higher consciousness work who hasn't meditated who hasn't achieved some of the higher consciousness states that are possible or maybe done some psychedelics uh at least you know to start to see that you are not the end-all-be-all and that you are actually not the one who's generating intelligence this sounds kind of cuckoo if you grew up and you went to university you just kind of went through that really westernized materialistic kind of frame of mind that tells you that intelligence is only the analytical form of intelligence that exists where you can do a mathematical theorem or write something in a book or read something in a book or write a dissertation and that's like the pinnacle of intelligence actually no that's not that's not intelligence is a much deeper thing and that's something you need to get in touch with so firstly I just want you to acknowledge that there's a possibility that intelligence is a lot faster than you think it is so just acknowledge that because when you do that opens up room now for intelligence to come to you from sources beyond yourself it's not as crazy as it sounds in fact the more you start to do what I'm going to be telling you here following these steps this will become so obvious to you some of you will be listening to me and you're like Leah of course why are you even stressing this point I'm stressing the point because for a lot of people this stuff is very off-putting because it sounds hippy but as your consciousness increases it will become more and more obvious to you so another thing you need to do to start to hear the voice you need to remove distractions I'd say that this is probably the number one reason people don't follow their intuition is that they're too distracted with all the stuff they do in their life all the pragmatic logical stuff all the chores all the social obligations to the point where you have no free time for even five minutes of silence and solitude in your everyday and of course when you don't have any silence or solitude you can never really hear the voice it gets drowned out by the TV by the internet by the videogames by the pornography by by your parents and your friends and your partying and all that stuff so that one is huge I have a whole episode called lifestyle minimalism which goes into depth about how important it is to minimize your lifestyle this is one of the reasons why so that your intuition can come forth and you can actually start to hear it also I think is very important to contemplate your death to start to hear your voice because you need to be aware of the fact that your life will not continue forever this materialistic orgy that you're a part of as you're part of mainstream culture this is not going to continue forever alright and you need to realize that when you realize that then your priorities will start to realign you'll start to move away from materialism and towards deeper things in life I have a whole episode about how to contemplate your own death so maybe go watch that one so that you can start to grasp the fact that your life is going by very very quickly it's gonna escape you much faster than you ever thought possible when you realize that then you will open yourself up more to intuition having your life near near-death experience you know people if you rather read about someone having a near-death experience like cancer car crash a some other kind of family tragedy all their priorities get reshuffled why is that because they come face to face with death and when you're faced with death materialistic pursuits stop being very significant to you and then the intuition comes out and tells you hey what are you doing you're wasting your life let's work on frying bigger fish here also you need to get clear about what you want out of life and hint what you want is not success it's not sex it's not money it's not a marriage these are not what you really want I'm talking about what do you really want from life how do you get very clear about that my life purpose course goes into a lot of depth on that so I don't have time to go into it here meditation is very important as a habit because it creates that kind of stillness and solitude that you need and while you meditate you will notice that your intuition comes through your meditation and also the more years you meditate the stronger your intuition will get the easier and more attuned you will become to that very subtle muezzin side of you because it's a subtle voice it's very easy to get it drowned out by politics by internet by family squabbles and all this kind of stuff and lastly as a solution to not hearing your intuition is you need to start to get more in touch with your emotions do exercises that help you to actually feel into your emotions now meditation can be one of those maybe yoga uh maybe so you know there's a lot of different exercises in the self-help field that help you to get in touch with your emotions so start doing those so that was the first problem now the second problem is that you're full of many impurities what does this mean well the problem here is that you've got your ego you've got various cravings fears traumas and dogmas which all are a distorting filter overtop of your intuition so your intuition gets distorted by these things the bigger your ego the more distorted your intuition will be in fact the ego will co-opt the intuition and use it to all sorts of crude low consciousness ends basically what's the solution to this well firstly the solution is to have benevolent motives in your life and that whatever you're moving towards or whatever you're trying to accomplish in your life make sure that at the highest level that this is coming from love and not from defensiveness not from fear not from craving not from self identity or self-importance not from protecting yourself or your family or your clan and not from defending dogmas or beliefs or worldviews that you have all of notice how all that is very different than coming from love coming from love coming from beauty from coming from a sense of contribution these are what I would call benevolent motives but Nevel it higher consciousness values so start there then move on to spiritual purification spiritual purification is the entire process basically of purifying your identity of your cravings of your fears of your deepest held beliefs and worldviews and your sons your sense of self-importance your life story dropping all of that purifying all that away burning in a way so that you're left with like a sort of an empty vessel and then what happens is that you become a vehicle of the intuitive voice inside of you you become a servant of the muses which is not what you are right now because even if you can hear the muses the problem is you've got all these personal fears and all these personal cravings for sex and for for food and for and for security and for money and for success and for fame and for validation for approval when you've got all that stuff in the way you can't really follow your intuitions because your intuitions will try to push you beyond all that but you won't be able to go there because you're weighed down by all these heavy egoic things it's almost like you're a hot air balloon right and the intuitions want to pull you up because they're light and airy they're sort of spiritual but you've got these big massive weights every single fear every single belief you hold every single childhood trauma that you still live in reaction to every single part of your identity that you're attached to all of that is like ropes tying this hot air balloon to the ground and so what spiritual purification is is like taking some scissors and systematically slit snipping every single one of those ropes so that then you can float off high in the air releasing beliefs is a very big component of this I just released an episode very uh in depth episode last week about the limitations of beliefs and the mechanics of how beliefs operate and how to start to go about dropping them so that's going to be a hugely important aspect of being able to follow through on your intuitions because a lot of times you get an intuition like oh maybe I should start this business or maybe I should go help people in in a third-world country or maybe I should do something nice for this person but then what happens all these limiting beliefs come up and say oh well I can't do this and I shouldn't do that and you know what if that's wrong and that there's no possible way that I could do this because you know it's not what I believe is possible for myself you might even have limiting beliefs right now about intuition maybe you have the belief that intuition is just nonsense that intuition is just something I'm making up that intuition isn't very important it's not very powerful or that you can't strengthen your connection to intuition or that logic is better than intuition maybe you hold that kind of dogma and you're really attached to that because you have this identity of like I'm a very logical scientifically minded person I can't give that up if I give that up then I'm just opening myself up to all this kind of nonsense and then I'll get lost and then I'll just be like all the silly people out there who believe in all sorts of nonsense see that might be an attachment you have and that's just one example of many many many many attachments and beliefs that you need to release another solution to clearing up your impurities is to change your environment your environment especially again in modern Western culture is a huge source of impurities not only is it impurity to remove but it's an impurity it's like a impurity generation machine it's like extra bad not only do you have this impurity in you but then the environment keeps recreating that impurity so that if you take the impurity out it just poisons you more the next day the next week the next month so what do I mean by change in your environment changing the place you live in cleaning up the kind of information that you take to your body and into your mind by information I mean media the news you watch the politics you listen to the friends you hang out with and so forth cleaning up your diet because that's a huge source of impurity in you and believe it or not that affects how your mind works and it affects whether you're even able to listen to your intuition at all because you know what when you go to a giant buffet and eat a bunch of greasy food you come back you flop down on the couch watching some TV your intuition by that point even if your intuition is telling you stuff you're in no position to listen to it because your body and your mind have been filled with so many impurities and also cleaning up your relationships cleaning up your family relationships your friendships and especially your intimate relationships your marriage and by cleaning up I mean making sure it's not toxic anymore or cutting those ties which are toxic and which you cannot clean up because those will involve you in neverending needless drama and when your mind is caught up in drama in fighting and bickering and this tug-of-war that goes on with your toxic relationships you have no more room for hearing the subtle intuition inside of you and the last tip I'll give you for clearing out impurities is also make sure that you free your body of tension your body swords a lot of tension in it and that's something I haven't talked about very much in Prior episodes is just how much of your problems are not only psychological but actually physiological you hold it in your body get some body work done maybe get some massages maybe do some yoga maybe do some weightlifting you know whatever you need to do to get the tension out of your body and also practice releasing the tension that's being held in your body right now notice for example right now as you're sitting there or standing there listening to me notice which parts of your body are tense the more relaxed you can make your body go ahead and relax everything in your body right now that's been tensed notice that tension is a function of unconsciousness it takes consciousness to release tension so as you release systematically more and more tension from your body as you spiritually purify yourself not only psychologically but physiologically you will notice that intuition sort of just like courses through your entire body it's a pretty cool phenomenon search the course through your entire body because your entire body becomes like a lightning rod for divine inspiration and divine wisdom which comes from beyond you yeah it's difficult for a lot of people to grasp this especially if they carry a lot of tension in their body right it seems like you're stuck in your mind as you let go of all the tension in your body your mind opens up the body and the mind become a unified system the channels are opened up and then you can be very creative and very productive which brings us finally to the third failure point with intuition is that people even if they have intuitive hits and they have these brilliant sparks of insight and genius and you know there's a little voice inside you telling you what you should go out and do what do most people do they don't do it but they don't work the intuition it's not enough just to have intuitions pop up here and there that is like a source of insight and a source of inspiration but you need to then take that and work it the problem here is twofold one is simply a lack of seriousness a lack of commitment to your intuition and secondly it's a lack of requisite variety requisite varieties of fancy turn that basically means a lack of creativity on your part a lack of flexibility in being able to get something accomplished so let's talk about the solution of these the high-level solution to this is for you to realize that your number one job in life is to serve your intuition that's what you're here for on earth is to serve your intuition there's nothing else for you to be doing but serving your intuition your intuition is not you it comes from outside you and your job is to be a servant of that and to do whatever is necessary to clean yourself up to open your ears to listen to it to receive the message and then to go out there and be a diligent executor of this intuition that's in a nutshell what you should be doing in your life but how many people are actually doing that how many people are actually conscious of that as their mission in life very few so what you need to do is first of all just to understand that secondly though you need to commit to following your intuition because following your intuition is hard it's scary it takes courage it takes work it takes discipline it takes learning new abilities it takes growing yourself it takes cutting attachments it takes letting go of your sense of identity it takes some changing your belief systems it means doing lots of very practical things that might be at first uncomfortable to you like moving to a different country or starting public speaking or learning a new computer programming language or going back to college or quitting your job you know all this kind of stuff requires actually making changes to your life if you're following your intuition your life will tend to change rather dramatically every couple of years that's what I found people who don't follow their intuition they tend to just kind of like get bogged down and stay put in one little corner of the world for their entire lifetime and they don't grow very much they live in the same house in the same city in the same state in the same country in the same state of mind at the same job forever and there's not much growth to be out there if you're really following your intuitions your life is always in flux and it's always changing you're always changing your job you're changing your relationship you're changing the books you read you're changing the seminars you go to you're changing the friends you out with your changing what kind of business you do and that requires a willingness to make radical changes it requires not getting comfortable in any one spot very easy to get comfortable it also requires mustering the courage you know sometimes I have an intuitive hit that tells me something like this entire business that I'm doing is wrong I got to stop that's a scary intuition to follow because I might have just spent five years building up this business and now all the sudden I wake up one morning and it all all of a sudden this business is wrong that means I have to have the courage to say okay well if it's wrong then I gotta start to wind it down and I got to start on the next thing what's the next thing and I gotta go work on that and build it from scratch that takes a lot more effort than just to say oh well maybe maybe I'm just deluding myself and just to kind of sweep that under the rug push it aside suppress it for five 10 years and then by that point maybe my intuition will give up I'll get so jaded and so uh you know I'll I'll get so complacent that it's just going to be a dead end another solution here is that you must create a sort of intuition incubator in your life your job is to incubate the intuitions they don't come to you in a polished precise step-by-step blueprint form it's not like oh I got an intuition about which business I should start and I also gained it also came with a hundred page business you know step by step business plan and blueprints for how I'm going to do it know it comes in a very rough form and your job is to incubate that polish it up over time and then to go out there and work on it so how do you create an intuition incubator well first of all by following the steps I told you you know you are your own biggest obstacle as far as the incubation of intuitions because of all the impurities but once you've gotten the impurities out then what I recommend is that you journal a lot about the intuitions you actually have write them down keep track of them catalog them articulate them in actual specific and clear language contemplate them a lot think about them and then create action plans convert your abstract ideas into action plans of what you need to go out there and do and then because you're committed to following your intuitions you will then go out there and do it and be very strategic in the way that you follow your intuitions some intuitions that I've had required 5 to 10 years of laying the groundwork before the intuition could come to the surface and bear fruit you see like with my life purpose I had an intuition when I was still in in the middle of high school that I needed to find my life purpose and that I needed to make a career around my life purpose I just had that intuition I didn't know what exactly that meant I didn't know how I was gonna do it and then I went through all of four years of university and then also uh one year in my first job that's five years and then also about three more years starting my first business that's about eight years and during all that time I was looking for what my life purpose is trying to figure it out and I was failing I wasn't getting it and I had to restart from scratch sometimes completely from scratch several times until I was able to finally figure it out with actualised org and still I'm still evolving and I still continuing forward I'm not less resting on my laurels right but that was an example where I had to be strategic and very persistent and I had to had a very long-term view my number one commitment had to be to my intuitions and not to my comfort level not to my personal security not to staying in one city because I have to move around around the whole country to try to accomplish this see I change cities once twice three times three times I change cities from west coast to East Coast in order to do this all right so that's just one example what I see is that many people they get an intuition they even then come up with a little plan for it but then their plan is so short-sighted that it's like well if this plan happens in the next three months okay but if it takes any longer than three months then there's no way in hell they're going to do it because they're not like really serious about their number one priority in life which is that they are a vehicle of their intuitions if you're not serving your intuitions who are you serving you're probably serving by default your ego and lower consciousness and just comfort and convenience so that's a covering the Third Point now uh before I end I just want to briefly clarify this point about how do you tell apart true versus false intuitions sometimes we get an intuition but we're not quite sure you know is this intuition coming from the right place or maybe is this my ego being sneaky and deceptive how can you tell the difference it's quite simple false intuitions defend themselves with justifications when they are questioned whereas true intuitions are silent when they are questioned yet the more you question them they still continue to have that sort of magnetic pull to them this is an insight that I learned from Christopher Wallace so I want to give them some credit here I found this to be very true when I look back at my life this is exactly how it works if you have it intuition go ahead and question your intuition I'm not telling you to just act on your gut all the time because sometimes your gut could be wrong so sit there like I said incubated ponder it think about it don't make rash moves be very strategic but as you question be mindful be mindful of what happens when you're questioning your intuition let's say you have an intuition to move to another city now you might want to question and say well why do I want to move to another city what's going on there should I really do that what are the pros and cons as you start to question that take a look is the intuition starting to defend itself and coming up with all sorts of justification that is becoming very logical that's a sign that it's probably the wrong choice yet if it has just this sort of silent pull to it like you're just almost like magnetically attracted just like magnetically attracted then you're probably going the right direction also the false intuitions tend to be protective and they tend to come from a place of playing not to lose whereas the true intuitions tend to be aspirational coming from a place of love or beauty and it's a playing to win not applying not to lose see so with this example of moving to another city well one reason you might want to move to another city is because you feel like well if I change cities then that will like increase my ability to do this personal development for whatever reason you might think that the current city you're living in isn't good well you might want to question that and just look into that and see are you really moving to their city in order to run away from something that would be playing not to lose or are you moved to the city for aspirational reasons because you're playing to win see that would be just one example so use that to tell it apart what you'll discover as you raise the quality of your consciousness as you do more of this self-actualization work that I speak of all the time your intuition will skyrocket as you spiritually purify yourself you will rely on your intuition more and more and more and more until you get to the point in your life where you are not making any logical decisions about your life all the decisions in your life are made for you not by you by but by the kind of spooky and mysterious intelligence that permeates all of existence and you will develop a connection to this intelligence and you will start to see that this intelligence is way way way beyond anything that your little mind could come up with and you will develop such rock-solid faith in that intelligence that you will become a force of nature driven and fueled by this intelligence because you will actually surrender your entire ego to this thing and you will become its vehicle and at that point is when your life really becomes amazing and magical because all of a sudden you're not living for yourself anymore you're not living not to lose you're living to win you're living aspirationally you're living for something way beyond yourself it's like you're living and you feel like you're uh a part of the entire universe acting on itself and that is a very powerful place to come from because it gives you a lot of motivation it gives you a lot of staying power with whatever you decide to do because you're not doing it for your petty little self anymore the way most people undertake all the stuff they try to accomplish and that's why they fail so often right because they're doing it for their petty little selves and not for the entire universe become an employee of the universe let the universe be the boss learn to listen to it develop your capacities to be a good executor and then you will be a force of nature alright that's it UH one last thing I want to mention is that I have a worksheet for you to help you to work on these intuitions some practical questions that you can go and answer right now so uh check for the link below it's a free pdf go ahead and download it and fill out that worksheet I'm signing off go ahead click the like button for me post your questions or comments down below share this episode with a friend and lastly come sign up to actualize that word right here this is my newsletter sign up to the free news stick with me as I release more content on how to self-actualize and how to develop a deeper connection with that higher power inside of you that deeper calling inside of you everything that I've been able to accomplish in my life has stemmed from me really being in touch what's what's with what's truly important hey you have to get in touch there's a lot of people out there who are very hard workers who are working 80 hours a week but these people are not satisfied with their work and their work is not that meaningful because like I said before they're frying small fish they're not in touch with the deeper intelligence that is permeating through them they've been out of touch with that probably because they are living in their ego probably because they've never heard about these things and probably because they aren't following through on any kind of persistent education of their mind filling their mind with the right concepts and ideas which is what actualize that org is here to help you with so if you stick with me over the next year the next two years just watch one of these episodes every week start taking action on things I say don't just watch also take action and you will see that everything that I talk about and more actually becomes possible and becomes true in your life right all this stuff I talk about it's not just cool ideas this is stuff you can live this is stuff you can embody and the stuff honestly that I talk it out is just like the tip of the iceberg of what's possible what's actually possible the entire thing if you ever saw the entire iceberg you would be shocked beyond belief so I'm excited to have you taste even the tip of it and then go with me all the way to the bottom to see how big the thing is it's huge it's remarkable it's miraculous it's amazing so sign up stay tuned and I'll see you soon for you